This month's winners are presented by Rachel Toner
Top prize £30 goes to Ellen McKenna; 'I wish' topic.
I Wish
If we were more considerate,
Less greedy, less judgemental,
More respectful of each other
And our world,
Wouldn't this earth be a better place?
I wish this could be so.
Jenny Murray ( Highly commended); 'Nostalgic memories' topic
Fearlessly running, skipping, hoping and jumping, without a care in this world.
finding contentment picking a little daisy
to make my accessorised jewellery.
Harmless, creative and curious fun, those days i miss. fondly.
Eugene Dugan-Bause (Highly commended); 'Mental health' topic
Robust, sane, strong, clear minded, sensible, acumen, balanced, whole.
Good judgement, resilient, eudemonia, comprehensive, fit.
Why do we immediately think of mental ill health
whenever mental health is mentioned?