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Students from our youth theatre group go through lessons lead by Aisling Kelly and Adam Trotter each Saturday morning in Abbey Lane Theatre.

Alone at Christmas.

Psychiatric advice.

A 'short ' chat up. 

'Things' don't quite fit in the bedroom scene.

Gynae advice on shapes and sizes.

Shopping for the right toy.

Camping in Wales, in rain.

Granny freezes!

Rehearsing the anticipated adulation, THE END!

Our recent production IMPACT Armagh Train Disaster played to full houses all week with many encouraging compliments from the audience each night.

Postings on social media and comments after each performance confirmed to us that something special was staged last week.

The concerted effort by Armagh Theatre Group and JoJo's Spotlight Dance and Drama Studios over  April and May really bore fruit as prolonged applause and standing ovations followed each show.

From the start of the Writers meetings in early Feb to the reading of our first draft in Abbey Lane on 10th April. Re-writes and start of rehearsals on 2nd May, then our first full dress rehearsal June 11th,  prior to our 'Opening' on the 130th anniversary of the disaster, everyone gave full comittment.

Conor McPherson's 'Shining City' @ Abbey Lane April 4th/6thConor McPherson's 'Shining City' @ Abbey Lane April 4th/6th

Felim Rafferty as Ian (an inexperienced Therpist and ex Priest) and Malcolm Dawson as (John) his first client.

 Felim (Ian) is confronted by his mott (Neasa )Marie- Claire Guy. Also cast is Thomas P Healy (Laurence, the third edge of the love triangle)

Pablo Doherty kicked off our last Open Mic of 2018 in great style. Our guest Poet from the shores of Lough Neagh near Lurgan fitted in his energetic performance while also being the taxi driver for his son who played at Holme Park the same evening. It's how busy Daddy/Poets juggle opportunities and parental duties these days. In a twenty minute slot he managed to touch on just about every subject from Family life to Brexit to Sport and even a mention of  fornacation! On twenty one minutes he grabbed his bag and coat and bolted out the door waving a farewell to all

First performed over 30 years ago this Radio play script by Maggie Shevlin- Elmore lost none of its punch, vitality and humour in this production by Armagh Theatre Group. Staying true to the script and in the presence of Maggie herself the cast gave up a polished performance in this rehearsed reading to ANOTHER packed Abbey Lane audience. ATG are honoured to be allowed  to perform 'Cheatin Heart' for only the second time since its Radio 4 premier staring Maggie as 'Geraldine' and Stephen Rea as' Dan'. Here are some photos of the night.


Brilliant depiction of Doris in 'GoodThings' by Wilma Campbell












It is with heart bursting pride that we finally announce the laying of our new flooring in Abbey Lane. This occasion was captured on camera by tireless volunteers whos devotion to duty was rewarded  by capturing the rare sight of a man using a vacuum cleaner... un-aided. Anyone who can name this 'Hero' please  get in touch via social media so he can be thanked for breaking another glass barrier in the quest for sexual equality.!

The demolition crew arrived on that crisp cold December morning with not a hard hat between us. Reflector jackets and gloves were for wimps, with high heels  the foot ware of choice for this hard working  team as we got stuck into the old cream/oats coloured Ulster carpet. The ripping and tearing by bear hands, with not a thought for broken nails or ruined skin carried on for all of 20 mins before  a call for coffee and buns stopped  carpet removal activity. After a well earned hour's break we returned with renewed vigor to complete this physically demanding task. WE knew the full membership of the Theatre Group (even if they weren't there) would be grateful to the few who stood up to the plate and ate the buns. Here are that 'Carpet Crew' you are indebted to.



Felim looking for that half crown he lost in 1973





Set in the iconic Robinson's library in Armagh City prior to Georgian Day 2016. Reading ; Goretti Moore, Madeleine Kelly, Peter Kelly and Hilary Good introduced by Rodney Villiers.



Adam ,Kevin, Malcom and Malachi take their well rehearsed bow.